Réseau SCET

A professional social network dedicated to local public authorities and innovating companies to accelerate economic development through digital innovation.

Project Gallery

Project challenge

As part of its modernization process, Scet wanted to build an internal social network for its customers. The main objective was to develop a collaboration platform to enrich the existing portal, which only offered a document base, and eventually to replace it. The main challenge of this platform is to create collaborative dynamics to fluidify exchanges and create conversations between the different users.

Our solution

The platform we have developed offers local development actors all the advantages of a social network and a professional collaboration platform. It allows each of the Scet stakeholders to benefit from personalized content and services and offers the following functionalities:
  • Content creation and publication
  • Newsletter creation
  • Online messaging
  • Online meeting
  • News relay
  • Database on the projects of SCET’s clients
  • Creation of thematic working groups

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External Platforms

Voice of a customer

An all-in-one customer relations platform to collect, analyse and manage customer satisfacion throughout the customer lifecycle through standardized indicators and qualitative feedbacks.

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Intermediation platforms


A performance management platform to optimize the positioning rate of external suppliers on consulting marketplaces.

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Intermediation platforms


An invoice-to-payment reconciliation platform between big accounts and external suppliers for consulting marketplaces.

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